Boxted Bridge - urgent action required
For the latest on Boxted Bridge and Essex County Council's actions, see our News page.
Boxted Bridge, built in 1901, lies in the centre of the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty on the Essex-Suffolk border. The surrounding fields are water meadows, where cattle and sheep graze and cricket bat plantations thrive. The bridge is an important heritage feature of the village and well-loved. In the 1930s the views from Boxted Bridge inspired many paintings by both Sir Alfred Munnings and John Nash. It is now under threat. Essex County Council plans to replace this historic bridge with a larger, visually different bridge, which will encourage faster driving and larger vehicles using this bridge and the surrounding narrow lanes. We will shortly be providing guidance on how to object on both the Essex County Council and Babergh District Council planning sites, with key points to make in your submission.
Please read and sign the petition below to help save this important part of our history.