your donations make a difference
Help us protect and preserve the Dedham Vale's unique bio-diversity, cultural and built heritage and picture-perfect landscapes. Your donations fund direct action, research, planning interventions, lobbying, legal challenges and educational events.
Whether you live in the Vale or beyond, if you care about preserving the unique character of this beautiful area, please donate or better yet sign-up as a member!
Donate online | Donate by cheque or bank transfer | Gifts and Bequests |
Donate by credit/debit card or bank transfer using our Crowdfunder site to fund our legal campaigning: DVS Crowdfunder page To fund our regular work, please use any of the links below: | Please make cheques payable to Dedham Vale Society and send to: Adam Sedgwick Treasurer Dedham Vale Society Downs House, The Downs, Stoke by Nayland, Colchester Essex CO6 4TQ Bank transfers can be made to our account at NatWest: Dedham Vale Society Acct 01605879 Sort code 60-06-06 | A gift or bequest leaves a lasting legacy and is a vital source of income. To discuss a gift or bequest please contact: William Shearer Deputy Chairman Dedham Vale Society 24 Erskine Road Mistley Essex CO11 1LU [email protected] |